Gainswave ED treatment New York

Should You Eliminate Psychological Causes Before ED Treatment?

Although ED treatment typically is used to address physical causes of erectile dysfunction, multiple psychological factors can also lead to this frustrating condition.

Research indicates that approximately 30 to 50% of men experience this challenging chronic condition, and the risk increases significantly with age. Of those, experts estimate that approximately 20% of cases result from psychologically based factors.

Some of the most common physical causes of ED include diabetes, blocked blood vessels and some types of heart conditions. Depending on the type of erectile dysfunction treatment you’re interested in, you might need medical clearance for those issues before starting treatment.

Does the same restriction apply to ED causes that are psychological in nature?

Non-Physical Factors That Can Affect Erectile Dysfunction

The role that the brain plays in sexual function is highly complex, despite what we might like to believe. And, while it makes sense that any significant incidents of trauma could be problematic, some other emotional and mental factors can interfere with a man’s sexual response and performance.

Stress is one of the most commonly cited non-physical sources of ED, followed closely by depression and anxiety (generalized or performance-specific). Relationship challenges can also decrease sexual function, particularly if these issues are ongoing. Finally, the misuse, abuse or overuse of pornography is one of the fastest-growing, non-physical causes of ED, as can the use of sex toys.

Although these aren’t the only mental and emotional factors that can cause or contribute to erectile dysfunction, these are some of the most common examples that medical professionals look for.

When Do You Need Medical Evaluation Before Getting ED Treatment?

If the underlying cause of your problems in getting and maintaining an erection are physical, it’s typically necessary to identify those factors and address them, if applicable. This is especially true if you plan to make use of some types of ED treatment, such as medications (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, etc.), as some of these pills pose a risk for complications or drug interactions. You also want to be sure that you get prompt and comprehensive treatment for any underlying physical issues that could pose a health threat.

If the doctor clears you of any serious physical condition, you may want to pursue the identification of psychological causes and seek treatment for those from a qualified counselor, psychologist, etc. However, the good news is that, while you pursue answers with a therapist, you likely will not have to wait to seek professional treatment from a local ED clinic.

Psychological Causes Do Not Affect GAINSWave® ED Treatment

Fortunately, the presence of most ED causes – physical or psychological – do not typically affect your ability to undergo GAINSWave® shockwave therapy treatment.

GAINSWave® therapy is safe, non-invasive and comfortable. This non-surgical treatment is performed by an authorized treatment professional in the comfort and convenience of a local ED clinic. Unlike oral medications, GAINSWave® poses very few risks of side-effects or negative interaction with pre-existing conditions.

If you are looking for the best ED treatment in New York for your needs, contact Manhattan Medical Associates today. Our innovative erectile dysfunction treatment therapies help you regain the physical and emotional satisfaction of a healthy and active intimate relationship. Contact us now for more information.